Monday, June 22, 2020

What readers are saying about "Temporary Duty"



              "Temporary Duty - With Thankful Hearts" is the 2nd in 
the Temporary Duty series



     "I loved the story line ad wholesome characters so much. You feel like you were there with your friends and church family.  I purchased the first two books of the series as gifts.  My Christian friend loved them as much as I did.  Waiting on book #3 !!"  

 Brenda P.


    "Reading Temporary Duty With Thankful Hearts was every bit as enjoyable as Temporary Duty.  I appreciate that this story is filled with Christian values - and the main character, Meg Adkins, serves as a great role model to young women who are finding their way.  The book is a wonderful alternative for those who are committed to living a Christian life.  

     "Reading the last paragraph on page 85 really touched my heart because those words are so true - we often forget or take those special moments in life for granted.

    "The ending surprised me - I was expecting to read that Meg's relationship with Cory might be headed in a different direction.  So, I'm hoping there will be a Part 3!"

                                                                                                 Merle R.


"Loved this 2nd book in the series!  It picks up just where the first volume left off.  The characters are growing and maturing, just like in life!  And Meg and Cory's relationship is more real!  Great reading for any young girl or any woman wanting a good, entertaining book to relax with."

                                                                                              Donnie T.



 "I loved the book!  I read it twice! Meg is the kind of young woman all young ladies can look up to.  She lives Proverbs 3:5. The way the author carries the reader through internal and external conflicts is not only engaging but puts the reader right there in the room with the characters to experience situations that could be foreign to us. Also, I love the ending!"   

                                                                                                 Kelly B.


     "I love this book!  The characters are so real and the situations are such good family life lessons.  And the funeral was moving - my heart was so touched by the widow's love for her deceased husband that I almost cried!  This is a good story well told!"   

                                                                                                 Toni H.


     "The book is so good!  I haven't graduated high school yet, but I still can identify with Meg and the situations she finds herself in.  And seeing how she chooses to live for the Lord reminds me that I need to be living for Him, too, especially in how to do right in relationships with guys, and to be praying now for my future husband."   

                                                                                                 Caitlin B.


     "What a lovely and inspiring book.  I had a hard time putting it down. The author's love for the Lord shows in every word."

                       Connie E.


     "I finished the book this morning.  I enjoyed reading it.  Very well written.  It is a great novel and offers a great look at God's perfect will for our lives and that he always takes care of his people if we step aside and allow him to.   My first question though: are there sequels?  If not, I feel that's ok.   But I'm a closure creature.  I would love to read more about Meg and how all this plays out in her life!"

                                                                                                        Deanna B.


     "I finished the book really quickly. I found it to be an enjoyable read and I shared it with my mother in law.  She enjoyed it but is anticipating the next edition. I think the author captured the conservative audience well and shows an innocence in the characters which is refreshing. And a determination to do right by the main character.  I really enjoyed reading the author's work."

                                                                                                          Barbie C.


     "I can really see where (the author) is coming from with the people that (she) is relating to. I am not saying I know who it could be because it could be any of us. That is the real beauty of the book."

                                                                                                         Kay M.


     "Very good writing.  Very readable.  I know it will bring much enjoyment as well as Christian encouragement to the girls who will be blessed to find it and read it!  I really like the cover too."

                                                                                                            Nita B.


     "...[it holds] the reader's attention!  Can't wait for the next volume!"

                                                                                                            Lois K.


       "Unapologetically Christian, unapologetically moral, and full of valuable life lessons.  A ‘safe' book for young ladies of all ages to read."
                                                                                                            Cris W.  


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